OHMYGOSH Iapos;M GONNA FREEZE CHRISTMAS IN GERMANY YIKES I have NOTHING warm to wear (i live in Tucson for goshsakes. It doesnapos;t get below 60 degrees during the day and 40 degrees at night. And I FREEZE here) yea yea I know its 2 months away but Iapos;M GONNA FREEZE
Schoolapos;s is, well is going. I have a midterm iapos;m supposed to be studying for right now.
Work is fun. I hate getting up in the mornings and planning but the kids make up for it. Theyapos;re soooo cute
Iapos;m ready to shoot the Prop 102 commercial. Its really rather annoying when youapos;ve seen it every other commercial and gimme a break� Marriage is for one man and one woman?? What happened to love. LOVE people Isnapos;t that what marriage is all about Loving the one person you want for the rest of your life Jeez and the Prop 101 with it wanting the Az laws to be stayed the way they are and never change The world is ever changing If we did that women would never be able to wear pants, damn it�I LIKE� wearing pants meh. The whole election should just be over. Iapos;m getting annoyed by all the stuff going on. Yes�I agree itapos;s all important and I do admit that�I donapos;t know much about everything going on (most of it, doesnapos;t make any sense to me at all, actually) but the whole attacking the other oppoinet thing is just too much. Grow up, answer the damn questions that are being asked and get over it. Iapos;m telling you, November canapos;t come fast enough.
i wonder if there are any gay romances out there. I mean novels. Iapos;ve seen manga and iapos;ve read Bite (fun book. I enjoyed it lots) but the only romance novels iapos;ve seen are man/woman. Huh. Just curiosity taking over.
Have you guys ever actually listen to the lyrics of some of the songs out there. They are the just some of the funniest stuff Iapos;ve heard Thereapos;s at least one song in each genre that cracks me up whenever�I hear it.
I think my motherapos;s gone off the deep end. Earlier she was freaking out about my bed not being made up the way it should be. Areapos;nt there different ways of making up a bed? Canapos;t�I wait for the sheets iapos;m washing to�finish washing before i make up my bed? Sheesh Toniapos;s coming in a week and mamaapos;s gone crazy. The House had to be deep cleaned today and it had to be done the "right" way. He way I see it the only wrong way of deep cleaning a house is to NOT deep clean it. Am I right or am I right?
Shaun Shaun is in south Carolina. Heapos;s taking a 34hr reset� so he can get full hrs coming back to Tucson. YAY Admittedly, i donapos;t really know much trucker talk but iapos;m gonna assume 9yes, yes i know what it means to assume things) thats he taking a break down? up? over there and then coming back. And gettin paid to do it too. Woot Woot.
I say we should find another way to do things besides money. People are going in debt faster then someone sayi g hallabalu and these arenapos;t the people who can afford to do it either. These are the folks who canapos;t afford too but canapos;t really aford not to either. These are the folks who grow up to be saving the lives of those who can (i.e., teachers, nurses, docters, common workers trying to get by). Whatapos;s wrong with trading? didnapos;t people trade for things way back when? They survived. And for the most part lived healthier and longer for it. We should trade.
HA See Iapos;m listenign to some song on KRQ about money. I heard some thinga about chicken and tickets. What the hell does chicken and tickets have to do with wanting money?
meh. And I think iapos;m gettin a cold too. Blah.
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