суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

emprendedores en mexico

God is a distinct separate being from us to whom I must offer worship, whom I must cultivate, humor, please and hope to attain a reward from at the very end of my life?

That is not what God is.

That is a blasphemy.

---Miceal Ledwith


Most people think of god as that great figure in the sky with the white beard who is scrutinizing the human race from above.They see us here on earth as in some form of neutral testing ground, where weapos;re placed by god for a period, and god watches from above registering the scores on his laptop as to whether we perform according to his designs or whether weapos;re "offending" him as itapos;s put. An absolutely outrageous idea. How could we offend god-- the type of god that people belive in--how could it matter so much to him? How could it above all matter that he would find it so seroius a situation that he could condemn us to an eternity of suffering? These are bizarre ideas but obviously they have a great hold on the fears and the limitations and the insecurities of people, which is why religion can play so effecitvely, whether deliberately or otherwsie, on those insecurities. People fall into line very readily when theyapos;re threatened by these cosmic sentences of everlasting punishment.

---Miceal Ledwith


The great appeal of all to people who donapos;t want to grow up but want the great parent in the skies looking after them is to ask Jesus to do it for me. If only I place my trust in Jesus he will save me from my sins and look after me and all will be well. But Jesus cannot eat my lunch for me and Jesus cannot be born for me and neither can Jesus save me.

---Miceal Ledwith


How can any man or woman sin against such a greatness of mind? How can any one little carbon unit--on earth, in the backwaters of indeed the milky way, the boondocks--betray god almighty? That is impossible. The height of arrogance is the height of control of those who create god in their own image.

--- JZ Knight, channeling Ramtha

All quotes from "What the bleep do we know?"

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