пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

climbing up the mountain by simms

I have not smoked a cigarette since last Saturday, five days ago. As of tonight, it is the longest I have gone without a cigarette since I was 14 years old. It is the longest I have gone without being around cigarette smoke since I was conceived.

Iapos;m not even trying to quit smoking. Iapos;ll probably quit abstaining on Saturday, when Iapos;ve reached the 7-day mark.

Itapos;s really not that difficult to not smoke. I think the trick is for one to -not- psyche oneapos;s self up about it. Just donapos;t think about it too much. I didnapos;t even get any bad cravings until tonight, when I hit a sort of a "chemical trough," so to speak. I figured the problem was a drop in seratonin (or whatever -onin is responsible for mood swings), so I rectified it with a bag of MMs and some Pepsi (Iapos;ve also cut back on caffeine at the same time) -- this seemed to do the trick.

One good thing that has come out of this experiment, in addition to the insight into the process of quitting, has been that Iapos;ve realized that Iapos;m not as bipolar as I thought I was, if I am at all. My mood swings in the past have probably been attributable to bad diet, lack of exercise, or some other environmental factor (or combination of them). The same could probably be said of my father, who I had thought I inherited bipolarism from -- his lifestyle is even more unhealthy than mine.

dragonball ae pics, climbing up the mountain by simms, climbing up the mountain, climbing up ropes.

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